Over a Beer: Mountain Bikers Are Conservationists, Too

Over a Beer: Mountain Bikers Are Conservationists, Too
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Rider: Jim Cummings. Photo: Greg Heil.
If there’s one thing I could say to the Sierra Club, the Wilderness Society, and their cohorts, it is this: “mountain bikers are conservationists, too.”
Every mountain biker I know loves and values the wild spaces that we ride in. Mountain bikers do not want to see our wild places opened to rampant resource extraction, developed into an endless sea of condos, or degraded through overuse of the land. No, we want to see all of these gorgeous, intimidating, expansive Wilderness places that our forebears have wisely set aside from development, remain in their wild state.
We just want to enjoy them on our bikes, too.
Read more here.